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EXODUS | 25:30 bread — EXOD949 Arrange the bread on the table in the Bei...

EXOD949 Arrange the bread on the table in the Beis HaMikdash. Hashem gave us a constant commandment to be carried out with bread because bread is the staff of life and blessing must be found in our bread at all times. To this end, Hashem gives us a constant mitzvah involving bread, and by occupying ourselves in this mitzvah we draw down blessing and the bread in our stomachs will be nourishing and satiating. When a person uses any object for the fulfillment of the Divine Will, the object becomes blessed and gives him benefits. To the extent that we turn our thoughts and efforts towards every aspect of any mitzvah, we will benefit accordingly from wellsprings of blessing contained in the mitzvah. Although we place bread in the Beis Hamikdash and light a Menorah there and bring offerings on the Altar, no one in the world should possibly think that Hashem in any way benefits from the bread, the light or the offerings. All of the mitzvos are for our benefit. Hashem gives us commandments so that through fulfillment of His Will we can draw down His blessing upon us, from His infinite abundance of good.


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