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EXODUS | 25:2 offering — EXOD932 "He that is gracious unto the poor, lende...

EXOD932 "He that is gracious unto the poor, lendeth unto the Lord", sang the Psalmist [Ps. 19:17]. Social Ethics echo this refrain by teaching us how to become "God's bankers". When a Roman governor inquired of Rabbi Akiba: "Why does your God, for whom you claim such loving concern for His creatures, not Himself provide for the poor?" The reply was: "Charity makes wealth a means of salvation. God wishes us to help one another and thus to convert this earthly life into a period of character-molding." Our blessings must be regarded as opportunities for serving God and helping man. Why, asks one teacher, do the words "that they take for Me an offering "[this verse] follow so closely on the words: "And they said: 'All that the Lord hath spoken we will do, and obey'"? [Exodus 24:7] To show Israel that the best way to obey the Torah is to give offerings of all we have, as well as to emphasize that our affirmations must be backed by our readiness to give.


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