161 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Exodus, Mishpatim (Exodus 21:1-24:18), Source Book Keys, TEMIMAH-EXOD EXODUS | 23:7 falsehood — EXOD848 The Rabbis taught: Whence is it derived t... EXOD848 The Rabbis taught: Whence is it derived that a judge should not hear the plea of one litigant before the other arrives, and that one litigant should not voice his plea to the judge before the other arrives? From "From a thing of falsehood you shall keep far" (Shevuoth 31a). Share Print Source KeyTEMIMAH-EXODVerse23:7Keyword(s)falsehoodSource Page(s)220 Switch article EXODUS | 23:7 falsehood — EXOD850 There are many acts prohibited in the Tor... Previous Article EXODUS | 23:7 falsehood — EXOD849 The Rabbis taught: Whence is it derived t... Next Article