137 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Exodus, Mishpatim (Exodus 21:1-24:18), Source Book Keys, TELVOL1 EXODUS | 23:7 falsehood — EXOD844 Lawyers demean opposing witnesses and cas... EXOD844 Lawyers demean opposing witnesses and cast doubt on the veracity of their testimony, even when they have reason to believe it is true. Such behavior is also a violation of the biblical command to "stay far away from falsehood." Share Print Source KeyTELVOL1Verse23:7Keyword(s)falsehoodSource Page(s)277 Switch article EXODUS | 23:7 falsehood — EXOD843 Jewish law imposes obligations upon consu... Previous Article EXODUS | 23:7 falsehood — EXOD847 The law "You shall rebuke, yes rebuke, yo... Next Article