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EXODUS | 23:7 falsehood — EXOD851 Truth is the seal of God, the beginning a...

EXOD851 Truth is the seal of God, the beginning and the end of all things [Deut i.17]. It is therefore a profanation of the name of God to avoid the truth with intent to deceive. Perjury is vigorously denounced in the Decalogue [Exodus xx. 7] and in other parts of the Torah [this verse; Lev. xix. 11]. False witnesses, in certain cases, were punished with that penalty which their victim would have received had their plot not miscarried [Deut. xix. 15-21]. Lying is an abomination which receives the lash of fury in all our teachings [Ps. xv.2; xxiv. 4; ci. 7; Zech viii. 16-17; Zeph. iii.13]; it is a direct offense against God "who lieth not" [I Sam xv. 29; Ps. lxxxix. 34]. On this account liars, mockers, hypocrites and slanderers cannot appear before the Heavenly Throne [Sot. 42a]. To speak the truth is a duty which admits of no limitation; only where domestic peace is threatened by the whole truth can "the white lie" be uttered. [Yeb. 65b. On account of shelom bayit, of not destroying that domestic peace and happiness that is so highly prized in our way of life, can a slight modification of the rigidity for truth be allowed.] It is the duty of the Israelite to deceive no man, to speak the truth in his heart and to suffer no false word to be uttered in his presence.


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