147 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Exodus, Mishpatim (Exodus 21:1-24:18), Source Book Keys, GREENBERG EXODUS | 23:5 enemy — EXOD809 Jesus said "resist not evil" (KJV) or "on... EXOD809 Jesus said "resist not evil" (KJV) or "one who is evil" (RSV) (Matt. 5:39) and "commanded" his disciples to love their enemies (Matt. 5:44). The problem which even many pious Christians have with these verses is reflected in Sherman E. Johnson's exegetical commentary on Matt. 5:34-55 in the Interpreter's Bible, which states that "it is difficult to escape the conclusion that verses 34 – 35 and verses 38 – 42 are laws" and that "how far they [not to resist] can be applied to groups, and especially to political life, is constantly debated" (v.39). Regarding the teaching to love one's enemies (v. 44), the commentator correctly remarks, "Exodus 23:4-5 and numerous rabbinical sayings look in this direction, but the idea is never made a general maxim for conduct in Judaism." He admits that this "teaching of course has political implications, but how it should be applied is one of the most difficult problems of Christian social ethics." Share Print Source KeyGREENBERGVerse23:5Keyword(s)enemySource Page(s)243-4 Switch article EXODUS | 23:5 donkey — EXOD806 One must even keep far from cruelty to an... Previous Article EXODUS | 23:5 enemy — EXOD807 He used to say: Do not despise any man, a... Next Article