148 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Exodus, Mishpatim (Exodus 21:1-24:18), Source Book Keys, LEHRMAN EXODUS | 23:1 rumors — EXOD765 The Ethics of Love are summarized in the ... EXOD765 The Ethics of Love are summarized in the injunction: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" [Lev. xix. 18.] The word "neighbor" includes those of other races and creeds, being irrespective of whether they are good or base, kind or cruel. Our duty is to love them. If he is deaf or blind, he is entitled to our consideration [Lev. v. 14]. The reputation of another should be inviolable [this verse]. Tale-bearing, wicked insinuations, hatred of another even in our heart, are all proscribed [Lev. xix. 17]. Love declares unethical the revengeful and relentless disposition, and pronounces as abominable dealing in false weights and measures [Lev. vv.35-36]. Love extends to reverence of old age and embraces the dumb creatures pacing earth as having claim on our consideration. Love precludes malice and bitterness, prejudice and intolerance. We are not to rejoice when our enemy is dejected, nor to be dejected when he is elated. Kindness and sympathy should know no bounds. [Exodus xxiii. 4-5]. Share Print Source KeyLEHRMANVerse23:1Keyword(s)rumorsSource Page(s)39 Switch article EXODUS | 23:1 rumors — EXOD764 See [[LEV525]] Leviticus 19:16 talebearer... Previous Article EXODUS | 23:1 rumors — EXOD763 Even those of us who acknowledge speaking... Next Article