134 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Exodus, Mishpatim (Exodus 21:1-24:18), Source Book Keys, TEMIMAH-EXOD EXODUS | 23:1 receive — EXOD756 R. Shesheth said in the name of R. Elazar... EXOD756 R. Shesheth said in the name of R. Elazar b. Azaryah: All who bear an evil report, and all who accept an evil report, and all who testify falsely against their neighbor are fit to be thrown to the dogs, it being written: "to the dog shall you throw him," followed by: "Do not receive a false report," which may also be read as: "Do not spread" (Pesachim 118a). Share Print Source KeyTEMIMAH-EXODVerse23:1Keyword(s)receiveSource Page(s)213 Switch article EXODUS | 23:1 receive — EXOD755 R. Cahana said: It is written: "Do not re... Previous Article EXODUS | 23:1 report — EXOD757 "Do not bear a false report" [this verse]... Next Article