230 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Exodus, Mishpatim (Exodus 21:1-24:18), Source Book Keys, TAMARI EXODUS | 22:21 oppress — EXOD671 The Sefer Hachinukh, in explaining the pu... EXOD671 The Sefer Hachinukh, in explaining the purpose of those mitzvot relating to the weak members of society, points out that "it is written, 'One may not oppress the orphan or a widow' [this verse]. One must see that all one's transactions with the widow and orphan will be charitable, merciful, and tranquil. Their rights must be respected even more than would have been the case if the husband or father was alive and involved in the transaction." (Sefer Hachinukh on Parshat Mishpatim, mitzvah 65). The Chasidic teacher Menachem Mendel of Kotsk points out that the Bible, immediately following the injunction against oppressing the orphan, uses repetitive forms of the words "oppress," "He will cry out," and "I the Lord will hear." The Rebbe explained that when an orphan complains about his oppression or his mishandling at the hands of the community, his complaint is twofold. There is the normal complaint of being hurt, but in addition to that there is a cry that he is being hurt because he is an orphan, because he has no protector, because he has no father or mother to look after his interests. Since the oppression of such people is a dual one, the Divinity's censure and His punishment will also be multiplied. Share Print Source KeyTAMARIVerse22:21Keyword(s)oppressSource Page(s)247 Switch article EXODUS | 22:21 oppress — EXOD670 Do not maltreat widows or orphans by mean... Previous Article EXODUS | 22:21 orphan — EXOD672 When Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah was about t... Next Article