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EXODUS | 22:20 vex — EXOD652 We must be especially careful not to vex ...

EXOD652 We must be especially careful not to vex or cheat a convert to Judaism. This verse contains two prohibitions. It is forbidden to vex a convert to Judaism with words and it is forbidden cheat him in financial matters. Although it is forbidden to vex or cheat anyone, an extra prohibition is violated when the victim is a convert. It is easy to take advantage of defenseless people, and therefore we are especially warned against harming them in anyway. (Chinuch 63, 64). A person might try to take advantage of a convert because he feels that he has no relatives who will come to defend him. The Torah therefore reminds us that we were in Egypt. The Egyptians who oppressed our ancestors also felt that no one would come to their aid. But God severely punished them for their wickedness. Remember that God hears the outcry of the oppressed. (Rambam, on this verse). It is forbidden to remind a convert about his past. Even if you are angry at a convert, you are prohibited from saying, "Just a while ago you were an idol worshiper and ate pork. How dare you speak like that to me." (Mechilta 178). The Rambam writes that when talking to a convert one must be exceedingly careful not to hurt his feelings. Even if he says something that is nonsense, it is forbidden to speak harshly with him. Rather, one should explain to him pleasantly why he is incorrect. Referring to someone who insulted a convert, the Rambam wrote, "Perhaps he was drunk at the time and forgot that the Torah warns us 36 times to honor a convert and not to cause him any anguish (see Bava Metzia 59b)." (Igeres HaRambam cited in Maiam Loaiz, Shmos, vol. 2, p. 869).


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