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EXODUS | 21:17 curses — EXOD562 It is a negative commandment not to curse...

EXOD562 It is a negative commandment not to curse one's father or mother as Scripture states, And he that curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death [this verse]. If one cursed him [his father] by the Divine name, he would deserve death by stoning, and this even if he cursed them [his parents] after their death, by the Divine name. If he cursed them by a substitute Divine name, he should receive whiplashes. One should not impose an oath on his father that contains an imprecation; nor should he be the emissary of a religious court to excommunicate him. It is forbidden to disgrace them; for whoever disgraces his father or his mother, even by a hint, is accursed by the word of the Almighty, since the Scripture says, Cursed be he who dishonors his father or his mother (D'varim 27:16).


Source KeyCCCBM
Source Page(s)141
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