151 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Exodus, Mishpatim (Exodus 21:1-24:18), Source Book Keys, TEMIMAH-EXOD EXODUS | 21:14 altar — EXOD547 R. Akiva expounded: "from My altar" [i.e.... EXOD547 R. Akiva expounded: "from My altar" [i.e., from near My altar], and not "from upon My altar" i.e., A priest who is upon the altar (i.e., in the midst of sacrificing) is not to be taken thence to be killed for a murder that he has committed]. And this applies only to an instance where he is to be killed; but where one is to be saved [i.e., if this priest can testify to save someone's life], then even "from upon My altar." From here it is derived [by a fortiori reasoning] that the saving of life overrides the Sabbath (Yoma 5:1) Share Print Source KeyTEMIMAH-EXODVerse21:14Keyword(s)altarSource Page(s)152 Switch article EXODUS | 21:12 strikes — EXOD546 Another characteristic of Jewish morality... Previous Article EXODUS | 21:14 bent — EXOD548 The school of Chezkiah taught: Whence is ... Next Article