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EXODUS | 21:12 death — EXOD541 In addition to murder, the death penalty ...

EXOD541 In addition to murder, the death penalty is listed [in Torah] for striking one's parents, kidnapping, bestiality, violating Shabbat, idol worship, adultery, homosexual behavior, and cursing God. (This verse, 21:15-17, 31:14, Leviticus 20:2, 10, 13, 24:16). All the sins are heinous from a Jewish perspective, and the seriousness of their punishment attests to that. However it would be foolish to form the Jewish view of capital punishment based on these verses alone. Why is this so? According to Jewish tradition, the corpus of Oral Law was given along with the Written Torah at the very same time, in order to render the bare bones legal system of Torah verses into a working Jewish society of law for every day living. Therefore, if we examine the details of capital punishment along with the details of its oral laws, we will discover that it was almost impossible to actually punish a perpetrator for any of these crimes or sins with the death penalty.


Source KeyAMJV
Source Page(s)47
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