149 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Exodus, Mishpatim (Exodus 21:1-24:18), Source Book Keys, TEMIMAH-EXOD EXODUS | 21:10 food — EXOD538 It was taught: R. Eliezer b. Yaakov says:... EXOD538 It was taught: R. Eliezer b. Yaakov says: "her flesh, her clothing"-in accordance with her "flesh," give her clothing. Do not give the clothing of a young girl to an old woman, or that of an old woman to a young girl. "Her clothing and her time"-In accordance with her time [in this instance, the time of year], give her a clothing. Do not give her new [heavy] clothing in the summertime or worn [light] clothing in the wintertime (Kethuvoth 48a) Share Print Source KeyTEMIMAH-EXODVerse21:10Keyword(s)foodSource Page(s)148-9 Switch article EXODUS | 21:10 food — EXOD537 A husband's obligations to his wife are l... Previous Article EXODUS | 21:10 rights — EXOD539 Sex … is not exclusively for procreation;... Next Article