145 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Exodus, Yitro (Exodus 18:1-20:23), Source Book Keys, BOROJMV EXODUS | 20:20 silver — EXOD499 "The Longest Distance Is to One's Pocket"... EXOD499 "The Longest Distance Is to One's Pocket" (Yiddish Proverb). And then there are those who seem almost congenitally unable to let go of any of their money at all: "These are the traits of the miser: He does not give charity, he does not have mercy on the poor, and in business, he does not yield at all. He does not feed or clothe or give pleasure to anyone but himself. And he doesn't trust God, who gave him his money" (Orhot Tzaddikim). Having an atrophied sense of solidarity with the rest of humanity, the miser sneers at those who must receive as well as those who willingly give. "R. Judah said: The miser responds to the poor man with an evil disposition: 'Look at those thighs--look at those legs! See how fat you are! Why don't you go out and work for your food?'" (Lev. R. 34.7) Since the miser thinks only of himself, he says:" I will cut down this fruit tree for its lumber" (Pes. 50b). He is not only indifferent, but downright disdainful of such a tree's promise to produce an edible yield over and over again. By worshiping money, the miser violates the commandment [this verse]. By rejecting the divine spark within everyone, misers commit blasphemy, reducing God to a being as little and mean-spirited as they are. Share Print Source KeyBOROJMVVerse20:20Keyword(s)silverSource Page(s)101 Switch article EXODUS | 20:20 silver — EXOD500 Some have interpreted the verse about not... Previous Article EXODUS | 20:21 place — EXOD502 It was in Avoth itself that we learned th... Next Article