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EXODUS | 20:13 steal — EXOD464 In secular law, cases of stealing are cla...

EXOD464 In secular law, cases of stealing are classified as grand larceny or petty larceny, according to the value of the stolen goods. In the Torah's ethic, the prohibition "You shall not steal" [this verse] also forbids a theft called g'nevath da'ath (literally, "stealing someone's mind"), which means creating a false impression (Tosefta, Baba Kamma VII, 8). If, for example, you ask a shopkeeper for the price of something which you have no wish whatsoever to buy, you are also guilty of stealing, in a sense: For you create in the shopkeeper the false impression that you wish to buy the object in question; as a result, he treats you with a certain difference and esteem, and gives you information, to none of which you are entitled. You have "stolen" something intangible from him. (Continued at [[EXOD692]] Exodus 22:24 interest SINAI1 17)


Source KeySINAI1
Source Page(s)16
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