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EXODUS | 20:12 honor — EXOD425 Many of the sources, particularly the med...

EXOD425 Many of the sources, particularly the medieval mystical sources, expand on a statement in the Talmud that finds one more individual to whom the obligation to honor parents directly extends, i.e., God. For the mystics, the essence of the person is the soul, though the person is a composite of body and soul. The human parents create the body of the child while God creates the essence, the soul of the child. Therefore, God is the primary parent, the essential parent, the ultimate parent, the parent of all parents. In this view, discussed in …Nahmanides' Commentary to the Torah [on this verse], honoring the parent is considered a commandment applicable primarily to God, and only by extension to the human parent. See Niddah 31a; Zohar 1:49, 3:219b--Raya Mehemma on Leviticus 19:3.


Source KeyHTBAJ
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