155 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Exodus, Yitro (Exodus 18:1-20:23), Source Book Keys, TELVOL2 EXODUS | 20:10 cattle — EXOD397 The Fourth commandment(concerning the Sab... EXOD397 The Fourth commandment(concerning the Sabbath), which regulates a day of rest for human beings, also applies to animals. On this day, "you shall not do any work, you, your son or daughter… We are cattle…"[This verse]. The Torah later returned to the steam, and place particular emphasis on the significance of both animals' and employees' rest on the Sabbath: "six days show you work, but on the seventh day shall you cease from labor, in order that your ox and donkey may rest, and that your servant and the stranger may be refreshed" Exodus 23:12. Share Print Source KeyTELVOL2Verse20:10Keyword(s)cattleSource Page(s)302 Switch article EXODUS | 20:10 cattle — EXOD396 (Continued from [[1166]] Deuteronomy 22:1... Previous Article EXODUS | 20:10 rest — EXOD400 See [[EXOD886]] Exodus 23:12 rest OXFORD ... Next Article