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EXODUS | 20:9 labor — EXOD389 Th[e] exaltation of labor marks all Jewis...

EXOD389 Th[e] exaltation of labor marks all Jewish literature. The leaders of the people are pictured not as hero-warriors, but as hero-workers, brave toilers, cheerful shepherds and ploughman. In whatever field they engaged they served their Maker by performing their tasks in His spirit. The story of the building of the Tabernacle tells that God put His work into Bezalel to enable him to perform all manner of work. The same spirit that prompted the Prophets to prophecy, Psalmists to sing, and Kings to rule, also prompted artisans to work. Rabbi Eliezer well characterizes labor as a form of Divine worship and adds: "Great is labor for even as the people of Israel were enjoined concerning the Sabbath, so were they commanded to labor, for it is said [this verse]." [Ab. R.N. B, 21; cf. 1:11; Midr. Hagadol, Yitro, 9, where the idea is ascribed to R. Judah Hanasi]. (Continued at [[DEUT699]] Deuteronomy 14:29 work COHON 179-80)


Source KeyCOHON
Source Page(s)179
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