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EXODUS | 20:6 thousandth — EXOD375 It is well known that the measure of God'...

EXOD375 It is well known that the measure of God's beneficence exceeds the measure of His punishment. Punishments last to the third and fourth generation; while of beneficence it is written [this verse]: "And doing kindness to the thousandth generation" as Chazal has explained (Tosefta Sotah Chap. 4). How much greater, then, is the effect if, in a specific instance, one does his neighbor a favor and through it accrues benefit to the neighbor's household and to others as well. Whatever good results from his act will be added to his credit when he is to receive his reward. Once man reflects on this, he will strive to help his neighbor in every way possible.


Source KeyAHAVCH
Source Page(s)100
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