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EXODUS | 19:5 treasured — EXOD323 There is a misconception among many Jews ...

EXOD323 There is a misconception among many Jews and non-Jews that because Jewish people are a "chosen people," this implies that Jews must be superior to non-Jews and that non-Jews are inferior. The sources will reveal that nothing could be further from the truth. What, then, does the word "chosenness" mean? It implies that the Jewish people have a role in the world that is different from that of every other nation. While the Jews have 613 commandments to observe Makkot 23b non-Jews were given only seven Commandments to observe Sanhedrin 56b. The Seven Commandments of Noah are prohibitions against murder, adultery, stealing, eating a limb from a live animal, cursing God, idol worship, and the obligation to establish a system of laws and courts. A non-Jew who observes these, according to Jewish law and philosophy, is given a complete share in the world to come and is called by Maimonides a "righteous Gentile." Hilchot Melachim 8:11 There is no other organized religion besides Judaism that grants complete "salvation" to people who do not believe and do not practice that religion.


Source KeyAMEMEI
Source Page(s)191
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