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EXODUS | 19:5 heed — EXOD315 It is a very beautiful trait in a man to ...

EXOD315 It is a very beautiful trait in a man to be full of goodwill and cancel his own will before that of his fellow man. This will cause him to be loved by all in doing the will of all men. Such a man is very close to the ways of repentance, for if he is in the grips of an evil act and his friend comes to chastise him, he at once acquiesces in forsaking the evil and he returns to the righteous path. The result is that he gratifies himself by acknowledging and abandoning his evil ways, and that he is a source of gratification to those who befriend him. And King Shelomo likewise said (Mishlei 12:15): "And he who listens to counsel is wise." "Listens" here applies not to the listening of the ear alone, but hearing the counsel of the wise man and acquiescing in what he tells him. We find the entire Torah to be subsumed in the trait of willingness, as well as all of the chastisement and all of the blessings. How so? At the giving of the Torah it is written [this verse]: "And now, if you surely hear my voice and heed my covenant, then you shall be chosen for me from among all the peoples." The meaning of "surely hear" is "take it upon yourselves and acquiesce in them," and they answered (ibid. 24:7): "we shall do, and we shall hear," and they acquiesced. (Continued at [[DEUT1537]] Deuteronomy 28:15 curses TZADIK 253-5).


Source KeyTZADIK
Source Page(s)253
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