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EXODUS | 19:2 encamped — EXOD310 Tolerance of all Jews, no matter their ba...

EXOD310 Tolerance of all Jews, no matter their backgrounds, beliefs, or lifestyles, leads to the ultimate goal-Jewish unity. It was only that one and only time when the Jewish people united as one, expressed through the singular use of the verb in the verse (of camping), that they were worthy to hear God's voice. In fact, every Jew is commanded to be responsible for every other Jew, not only the Jews who agree with a particular viewpoint, lifestyle, or behavior pattern. Shavuot 39a When there is cohesive feeling and action, Jewish unity results. The Midrash states that the Jews are compared to one large sheep, because just as when one limb suffers pain, the entire animal feels the hurt, so too when one Jew suffers, the entire Jewish people should also feel the pain. Rabbi Shimon compares the situation to a person who bores a hole in a ship, and as the others get upset that the entire ship will go down causing everyone to drown, the man says, "I only put a hole in the area that belongs to me." So it is with the Jewish people. Every action by every Jew affects the entire Jewish people. Vayikra Rabah 4:6.


Source KeyAMJV
Source Page(s)352-3
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