155 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Exodus, Yitro (Exodus 18:1-20:23), Source Book Keys, AMEMEI EXODUS | 19:2 encamped — EXOD308 According to the Mishnah Avot 1:18, one o... EXOD308 According to the Mishnah Avot 1:18, one of the three foundations of the universe itself is peace. And when two of those foundations of the universe, truth and peace, are in conflict, peace wins out Bereshit Rabbah 11:7, implying that peace may indeed be the highest value in the universe. The Talmud Yevamot 65b explicitly points out that when truth comes into conflict with peace, that is, telling the truth would destroy the peace, one may lie in order to preserve the peace (under certain conditions). According to the Midrash, the entire creation, everything on earth, is equal in value to peace Bamidbar Rabbah 11:7, as it says in the Siddur that God created peace and He created everything (else) (beginning of the first blessing before the Shema in the weekday service). There is only one place mentioned in the Torah where the entire Jewish people were united in peace as one, implied by the use of the singular form "he camped" rather than the expected plural form "they camped." [This verse]. Only then, at Mount Sinai, when they were at peace, without division among themselves, as a singular unit, could God give the Jewish people the Torah. Vayikra Rabbah 9:9. All the ways of the Torah itself are peace Gittin 59b as it says in the verse in proverbs Proverbs 3:17. God openly tells the people in the Torah Leviticus 26:3-6 that their reward for keeping all the commandments will be peace (in the land as the Midrash Sifra Bechukotai 1:8 explains in greater depth. Share Print Source KeyAMEMEIVerse19:2Keyword(s)encampedSource Page(s)210 Switch article EXODUS | 19:2 camped — EXOD307 The larger the group we try to persuade t... Previous Article EXODUS | 19:2 encamped — EXOD309 The Midrash Mechilta Yitro 9 tells us tha... Next Article