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EXODUS | 18:21 greed — EXOD302 The only specific Torah reference to this...

EXOD302 The only specific Torah reference to this word ["Betza"] refers to one quality needed for Jewish leadership, specifically the judges that Yitro-Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses, advised him to appoint. One of their necessary qualities must be that they "despise greed." Nachmanides explains that for people to be proper judges, they must despise even the idea of money in general, the obtainment of physical possessions, and they should not even care about their own wealth at all. Therefore, such a person can never be tempted to accept bribes when they're offered to him. Reva explains that since his own possessions are meaningless to him, if this judge is threatened by a litigant that he will burn down the judge's field if the judge rules against him, the threat will not faze or cause fear in this judge. Rabbeinu Bechaye brings this explanation, but then adds that hating greed signifies that a judge despises people who intentionally steal from others in order to gain wealth. Tur also explains that such a judge has no desire to be rich, which inoculates him from ever accepting a bride.


Source KeyAMJV
Source Page(s)333-4
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