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EXODUS | 18:20 way — EXOD298 One further violates the specific Scriptu...

EXOD298 One further violates the specific Scriptural commandment to perform acts of chesed [this verse]: "And you shall show them the way wherein they must walk," where "the way" is taken by Chazal (Bava Kamma 99b; Bava Metzia 30b) to indicate chesed. The inference is derived from the definite article, the, which has no specific reference and must therefore signify the well-trodden path along which our forefather, Abraham, walked, and whose entire life was bound up with the virtue of chesed, as everyone knows. This admonition includes all the types of kindness arising in personal relationships, also the gimiluth chesed extended with one's person: visiting the sick, burying the dead, etc., as explained in the Gemarah (Ibid.). Nor is the gemiluth chesed performed with one's possessions, by any means, excluded from this rule.


Source KeyAHAVCH
Source Page(s)29
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