144 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Exodus, Yitro (Exodus 18:1-20:23), Source Book Keys, GATES EXODUS | 18:20 path — EXOD292 [Among the more weighty of the positive c... EXOD292 [Among the more weighty of the positive commandments are those that the Jewish populace are not heedful in their performance, such as …] the performance of acts of kindness, which is a positive commandment, as the pasuk says [this verse], "'Inform them of the path that they shall follow'--this is a reference to the performance of acts of kindness" (Bava Metzia 30b). The Sages (Sukkah 49b) said concerning this, "Performing acts of kindness is greater than giving charity: charity is only for the poor, while the performance of acts of kindness is both for the poor and the rich." For this reason our Sages said (Avos 1:2), "The world depends on three things--on Torah, on the Divine service, and on acts of kindness." Charity is performed with one's money, while acts of kindness are performed both with one's body and with one's money. This is because one must extend himself in the pursuit of what is good for his people and expand his energies for the improvement of others, whether they are poor or wealthy. This is among the more serious and fundamental requirements placed upon a person, as the pasuk says (Micah 6:8), "[Hashem] has informed you, man, what is good[for you], and what Hashem requires of you: [it is] just to carry out justice, and acts of loving kindness." Share Print Source KeyGATESVerse18:20Keyword(s)pathSource Page(s)181-3 Switch article EXODUS | 18:20 enjoin — EXOD291 A Torah scholar must be especially carefu... Previous Article EXODUS | 18:20 path — EXOD293 It is also a mitzvah for one to go beyond... Next Article