150 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Exodus, Beshalach (Exodus 13:17-17:16), Source Book Keys, GATES EXODUS | 17:11 prevailed — EXOD267 The second category [of flatterer is one]... EXOD267 The second category [of flatterer is one] who praises an evildoer in front of others, whether or not he is present, not by justifying the sinner's larceny or denying his accountability, but by saying [merely] that he is a good person. Concerning this the pasuk says (Mishlei 28:4), "Those who forsake the Torah praise the wicked"--for had he not forsaken the Torah he would not have praised one who violates its words and abrogates its mitzvos. Even if he only praises the evildoer for the good that he does possess [i.e., he does not say that the evildoer is a good person, but traces his good qualities alone (Zeh Hasha'ar)], speaking well of him to others regarding his upright qualities [Iyov 33:23], this too is a sickly evil [Koheles 5:15]. By mentioning the good without mentioning the bad, and by concealing all of his iniquities, those who hear him will regard the evildoer as righteous and accord him honor, and he will raise his hand and prevail [this verse, i.e. over those who are truly righteous (Sha'arei Teshuvah Hamevo'ar). ... It is not right to mention the righteousness [of the wicked] without mentioning their wickedness and folly, as the pasuk says (Mishlei 10:7), "The name of the wicked will rot" [i.e., whenever mentioning the wicked, one must mention them in a derogatory light]. Share Print Source KeyGATESVerse17:11Keyword(s)prevailedSource Page(s)377 Switch article EXODUS | 17:9 us — EXOD265 We also learn that a Rav should honor his... Previous Article EXODUS | 17:12 stone — EXOD268 Had Moses no pillow to sit upon? He said:... Next Article