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EXODUS | 16:29 leave — EXOD258 The ethical principles most often used to...

EXOD258 The ethical principles most often used to validate a takkanah were tikkun haolam--advancing the general welfare (Mishnah Gittin chap. 4) and mipne darkhe shalom--acts that advance the cause of peace between man and his fellow (ibid., chap 5). King Solomon is presumed to have ordained (tiken) the eruv (Shabbat 14b), whereby the literal meaning of the commandment "Let no man leave his place on the seventh day" (this verse) was circumvented, on his own authority, since no verse or other source of sanction is mentioned. In T.J. Eruvin 24 at the end of the third column of that page, the eruv is associated with darkhe shalom.


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