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EXODUS | 16:18 gathered — EXOD256 The Bible indicates the standard for self...

EXOD256 The Bible indicates the standard for self-restraint with edibles when describing how God fed the 600,000 people who wandered in the desert for forty years. The miraculous foodstuff God provided every morning of that journey, the manna--a honey-like, sticky substance--was just enough for each person: "The one who gathered much had nothing left over, and the one who gathered little did not lack" [this verse]. To this day, in one of the recent, short versions of the Amidah, our prayer composed of eighteen petitions, we entreat God to give us "enough to live on and... what we need," neither a sumptuous banquet nor bread-and-water rations. Anticipating modern nutritionists, our rabbis urge us to curb yeah our cravings for fatty, sweet morsels by "eating salad and more salad, rather than developing an appetite for goose and chicken" (Pes. 114).


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