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EXODUS | 16:7 what — EXOD251 Our Sages of blessed memory have said (So...

EXOD251 Our Sages of blessed memory have said (Sotah 5b): "How great are those who are lowly in spirit, for when the Beis HaMikdash was in existence a person would sacrifice a burnt-offering and would be credited for the burnt–offering, [he would sacrifice] a meal-offering and he would be credited for the meal-offering. Yet he who is humble in mind is considered as if he has sacrificed all of the offerings possible, (Tehillim 51:19): 'The [preferred] Divine sacrifices are [those of] a broken spirit.'" This is the praise given to the lowly in spirit, for they possess humility in their hearts and thoughts. And they also said (Chullin 89a): "[With reference to the verse]' Not because you are more numerous than all the nations did the Eternal desire you' (Devarim 7:7), the Holy One blessed be He said to them (to Israel):' My sons, I desire you, for even when I imbue you with greatness you diminish yourselves before Me. I bestowed greatness upon Avraham; he said, 'And I am dust and ashes' (Bereishis 18:27). I bestowed greatness upon Moshe and Aharon; they said, 'And what are we' [this verse]. I bestowed greatness upon David; he said, 'But I am a worm, and not a man' (Tehillim 22:7)." All of this emerges from a truthful heart that will not be swayed by all the virtues that one may possess. Such an individual knows very well that, due to other shortcomings that are an inseparable part of him, [his virtues] will not elevate him from his state of loneliness.… Any virtue that he acquires is nothing less than a Divine act of benevolence that has been done in his favor, even though he is by his very nature and physical makeup lowly and shameful. Therefore, he must thank the One Who has graced him [in this manner] and humble himself [before Him] all the more so.


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