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EXODUS | 15:13 chesed — EXOD222 Doing chesed hastens redemption. The Chof...

EXOD222 Doing chesed hastens redemption. The Chofetz Chayim cites the Pesikta which explains that "You have led in Your chesed" refers to the merit of the chesed which the Jewish people practiced toward one another. "You have guided them in Your strength" refers to the study of the traditions handed down from the forefathers. This is in accordance with the statement in Tana D'vai Eliyahu (ch. 23) that when the Jewish people were in Egypt, they gathered together and made a pact that they would do chesed for each other; they would keep the covenant of Abraham, Yizchok, and Yaakov; they would serve their Father alone, and they would not forsake the language of their father Yaakov. At that time the Jewish people were enslaved, and searched for a means to be saved from Pharaoh's decrees. They therefore resolved to do chesed to one another, and hoped that because of this merit God would bestow chesed upon them and redeem them from persecution. As we have seen from the Pesikta above, the merit of their chesed had the necessary effect. The Chofetz Chayim added that this is a lesson for all generations. By doing chesed, we help bring about redemption. (Ahavas Chesed, ch. 5).


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