139 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Exodus, Beshalach (Exodus 13:17-17:16), Source Book Keys, SINAI1 EXODUS | 14:15 go — EXOD202 Simeon his son said … not learning but do... EXOD202 Simeon his son said … not learning but doing is the main thing. Pirkei Avot, Perek I, Mishnah 17. In short, theory is not as important as practice. This is quite similar to the teaching of Shammai, "Speak little and do much." We find a discussion taking place among the tanna'im as to which is greater: study or practice. Different opinions were given, and finally all agreed that learning is greater since learning will lead to deeds. (T.B. Kiddushin 40b). Without adequate knowledge, proper deeds are impossible. But since learning is looked upon as only a means, it would appear that the essence, the important thing, is truly the deed. Our own Jewish community often appears to be sinking by the sheer weight of its own wordiness. Conferences, conventions and commissions continue to grind out reams of paper with endless words. We bemoan, we bewail, we diagnose and prescribe. But all these are no substitute for actions and deeds of meaning. Certain historic moment call for action, and nothing else will do. When the Egyptians pursued the Israelites and apparently had them trapped with the sea in front of them, the Almighty said to Moses, "Why do you cry to Me? Speak to the children of Israel that they may go forward." [This verse]. This was a time neither for meditation nor for study. It was an occasion for deeds. Share Print Source KeySINAI1Verse14:15Keyword(s)goSource Page(s)104-5 Switch article EXODUS | 14:10 near — EXOD201 Even though people think of anti-Semitism... Previous Article EXODUS | 14:17 hardened — EXOD203 See [[DEUT41]] Deuteronomy 2:30 hardened ... Next Article