161 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Exodus, Beshalach (Exodus 13:17-17:16), Source Book Keys, TEMIMAH-EXOD EXODUS | 13:22 depart — EXOD197 It was taught: "There will not depart, th... EXOD197 It was taught: "There will not depart, the pillar of cloud, by day, and the pillar of fire, by night"- This teaches us that the pillar of cloud overlapped [in the transition] the pillar of fire, and the pillar of fire overlapped the pillar of cloud (Shabbat 23b). Scripture hereby teaches us proper deportment vis-à-vis the eve of Sabbath [namely, to add from the non--consecrated (i.e. Friday afternoon) to the consecrated (Sabbath). While the pillar of cloud was still in place, the pillar of fire emerged. (Mechilta) Share Print Source KeyTEMIMAH-EXODVerse13:22Keyword(s)departSource Page(s)81 Switch article EXODUS | 13:21 before — EXOD196 From here it is derived that a master may... Previous Article EXODUS | 13:22 not — EXOD198 Now since man is obviously confined withi... Next Article