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EXODUS | 12:17 matzos — EXOD155 (Continued from [[DEUT863]] Deuteronomy 1...

EXOD155 (Continued from [[DEUT863]] Deuteronomy 16:20 righteousness TZADIK 291). Rabbi Yehudah ben Tema said (Avos 5:20): "Be bold as a leopard, light as an eagle, swift as a deer, and strong as a lion to do the will of your Father in Heaven." See how the Sages have exhorted us to make ourselves light and strong for mitzvos! And this did David say (Tehillim 119:60): "I was quick and did not delay to heed Your mitzvos." And so did our Rabbis of blessed memory expound: "'And you shall heed the matzos' [this verse]--do not read it matzos, but mitzvos. If a mitzvah comes to hand, do not allow it to go stale, but do it immediately (Mechilta). And one must be extremely light, zealous, and strong to combat the wicked, to be as stouthearted as Moshe our teacher, may peace be upon him, who said (Shemos 32:27): "And Pinchas, the son of Elazar, the son of Aharon the priest, saw and he arose from the midst of the congregation and took a spear in his hand." Therefore, take great care to be extremely zealous to separate yourself from the company of the wicked, not to participate in their counsels and in their accords. Above all, one must be zealous to repent. He must make haste and not delay the process of repentance, so that he not remain wicked in Hashem' presence for even one moment. See how the ministers of kings and princes are swift in their embassies and services. How much more zealous must one be in the service of the King of kings, the Holy One Blessed be He!


Source KeyTZADIK
Source Page(s)291-3
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