168 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Exodus, Shemot (Exodus 1:1 - 6:1), Source Book Keys, SACKS EXODUS | 4:10 words — EXOD82 At the burning bush, Moses said to God: "I... EXOD82 At the burning bush, Moses said to God: "I am not a man of words. I am heavy of speech and tongue" [this verse]. By the time we reach Deuteronomy, the book named "Words," Devarim, Moses has become the most eloquent of prophets. Some are puzzled by this. They should not be. God chose one who was not a man of words, so that when he spoke, people realized that it was not he who was speaking but God who was speaking through him. What he spoke were not his words but God's words. That is why He chose a couple who could not have children--Abraham and Sarah--to become parents of the first Jewish child. That is why He chose a people not conspicuous for their piety to become God's witnesses to the world. The highest form of greatness is to open ourselves to God so that His blessings flow through to the world. That is how the priests blessed the people. It was not their blessing. They were the channel of God's blessing. The highest achievement to which we can inspire is to open ourselves to others and to God in love so that something greater than ourselves flows through us. Share Print Source KeySACKSVerse4:10Keyword(s)wordsSource Page(s)338 Switch article EXODUS | 4:10 slow — EXOD79 Everything is foreseen [on high], yet free... Previous Article EXODUS | 4:13 whomever — EXOD83 We must do everything that we can to spare... Next Article