153 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Exodus, Shemot (Exodus 1:1 - 6:1), Source Book Keys, AMJV EXODUS | 3:13 name — EXOD72 When God wanted to explain the essence of ... EXOD72 When God wanted to explain the essence of God and His message to the Jewish people in freeing them from Egyptian bondage, Moses asked God, “What is Your name?” Not only man’s essence, but even God’s essence is revealed through a name. Judaism believes that the name of a person is so crucial that it can change and sometimes help determine a person’s personality and future. In fact, the Talmud states that a person’s name impacts upon his future life. Berachot 7b. There is a Talmudic story describing Rabbi Meir as “one who understood the meaning of names.” Yoma 83a When he and other Rabbis went to an inn, Rabbi Meir realized that the innkeeper’s name revealed that he was an immoral person. When everyone else put money in the safe at the inn, Rabbi Meir did not. The next day, the innkeeper denied having received any of the money. Since the name often defines a person, the Midrash states that parents should be very careful in choosing a specific name to match the essence of the baby because the name could determine if the child will grow up to be moral or immoral. Midrash Tanchuma, Ha’azinu 7. Share Print Source KeyAMJVVerse3:13Keyword(s)nameSource Page(s)186 Switch article EXODUS | 3:12 sign — EXOD71 Moses received the Torah at Sinai and hand... Previous Article EXODUS | 3:14 I — EXOD73 God has no image because He is not physica... Next Article