166 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Exodus, Shemot (Exodus 1:1 - 6:1), Source Book Keys, AHAVCH EXODUS | 1:17 feared — EXOD15 [This verse] relates: "But the midwives fe... EXOD15 [This verse] relates: "But the midwives feared God… and saved the male children alive." See what chesed was performed here! The midwives could have discharged their moral duty both to God and to Pharaoh by resigning from their positions. They were concerned, however, that the replacement might, out of fear, carry out Pharoah's designs. Hence they acted charitably towards the daughters of Israel and endangered their own lives for the sake of those women. Furthermore they would provide food and water for the poor women in confinement (See Rashi). Moses (Ibid. 2:11) "Went out to his brothers and looked on their burdens." He took their distress to heart, shared in it, and was anxious for them (Rashi ibid.). This is in accordance with the virtue of chesed which obliges one to take account of the sufferings of others, to see whether it is not possible to help them to some extent. "He (Moses) smote the Egyptian" to save the life of the victim (v. 12). Subsequently (v. 17) "Moses stood up and helped the daughters of Jethro," and they related (v. 19): "Moreover he drew water for us and watered the flock." Later, "the officers of the children of Israel were beaten" (Ibid. 5:14). What chesed lies here! The officers did not want to drive their workers unmercifully and so took the beatings themselves (See Rashi). Moses took the remains of Joseph with him ( ibid.13:19), and thus God repaid Joseph for the kindness he had extended in burying his father Jacob (Sotah 9b). Commenting on the verse (Ibid 15:2): "This is my God and I will glorify Him," Abba Shaul has declared (Sabbath 133b), "Imitate Hashem. As He is gracious and merciful, so be you gracious and merciful." (Veanvehu is here expounded as ani vehu, "I and He." Moses went out to meet his father-in-law, Jethro (ibid.18:7). Here, and in the following verses, the duty of welcoming guests, which is chesed, is exemplified. Share Print Source KeyAHAVCHVerse1:17Keyword(s)fearedSource Page(s)25 Switch article EXODUS | 1:17 did not — EXOD14 Torah study provides, and inspires, us wit... Previous Article EXODUS | 1:17 feared — EXOD17 The midwives risked their lives by defying... Next Article