251 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Exodus, Shemot (Exodus 1:1 - 6:1), Source Book Keys, AMEMEI EXODUS | 1:10 enemies — EXOD8 Pharaoh is afraid the Jews will become too ... EXOD8 Pharaoh is afraid the Jews will become too numerous and eventually rebel against the natives. This phenomenon continued as choose were always perceived as foreigners who may one day rebel against the government and cause difficulties. Non-Jews feared a loyalty to God or to the land of Israel and not to the country in which the Jews lived. That is why Napoleon made the Jews choose sign an oath of loyalty to him. Even today in the United States, the most tolerant country in history, Jews are accused of dual loyalty whenever any kind of friction occurs between United States and the State of Israel. Share Print Source KeyAMEMEIVerse1:10Keyword(s)enemiesSource Page(s)13 Switch article EXODUS | 1:9 numerous — EXOD7 We are commanded not to hate Egypt [Deutero... Previous Article EXODUS | 1:10 he — EXOD9 Should it not be written: "and we will go u... Next Article