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GENESIS | 50:16 left — GEN1606 Rabbeinu Yonah, in his Sha’arei Teshuv...

GEN1606 Rabbeinu Yonah, in his Sha’arei Teshuvah, classified the various manifestations of deceit and falsehood, in nine separate categories. … The fourth category is … One who speaks deceitfully and relates falsehoods, without either causing harm to his friend, or causing himself to gain thereby. While on the one hand, such an individual’s transgression is less severe because he has caused no one harm, on the other hand, he arrogantly manifests a callous disregard for truth, for he speaks deceitfully even where he stands to gain nothing thereby. His indifferent and callous attitude concerning truth, may eventually cause him, even, to testify falsely, as King Solomon said Proverbs 6:19He who breathes out lies [may become] a false witness.”   In certain instances, however, it is permissible to tell a lie which is harmful to no one if it will further the cause of peace, harmony, and good will. It is permissible, for example, to shower lavish praise upon a bride, even where it is untrue, on order to make her more beloved in the eyes of her husband. Talmud, Ketubot 17a.   Elsewhere, the Sages observe, “It is permissible to tell a lie, for the sake of peace and harmony.” Talmud, Yevamos 65b.   It was in this vein, too, that, when Jacob died, Joseph’s brothers told him that their father had left instructions for Joseph to deal kindly with them [this verse], even though this was entirely untrue. Sha’arei Teshuvah, 3:181. FENDEL 110-1


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