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GENESIS | 47:29 kindness — GEN1580 Acts characterized as gimilut hasadim<...

GEN1580 Acts characterized as gimilut hasadim are considered expressions of loving-kindness because they may be done selflessly, without thoughts of recompense from the recipient.  For example, when Jacob is dying, he asks Joseph to treat him with “kindness (hesed) and with truth (emet)” [this verse]. On this verse, Rashi commented, “The kindness that is sown to the dead is a true kindness (hesed shel emit), for [in such a case] one does not expect the payment of recompense [from the recipient].”  Isaac Aboab wrote that “zedakah given selflessly for the sake of Heaven, graciously and compassionately, is called gemilut Hasidim” Thus, Abaob identified gemilut hasadim as an exalted variety of zedakah. Aboab refused to assign zedakah to one realm and gemilut hasadim to another. Instead, Aboab perceived a certain fluidity between dutiful actions and benevolent actions.  For Aboab, as well as for others, actions that may benefit others embrace a wide spectrum from self-serving or reluctant giving of zedakah to perfectly selfless acts of loving-kindness. SHER20C 136


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