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GENESIS | 45:26 believe — GEN1566 [Talmud tractate] Derech Eretz adv...

GEN1566 [Talmud tractate] Derech Eretz advises: “Love [the word] ‘perhaps’ and hate [the phrase] ‘why not’? [implying throwing caution to the wind].” That is, avoid speaking with certitude unless you are absolutely positive that your statement is accurate.  The Sages say, “The punishment of a liar is that no one believes him even when he speaks the truth” Sanhedrin 99b, Avos deRabbi Natan 34.   The Talmud brings a proof for this statement from the sons of Yaakov – because they did not speak the truth to him about Yosef’s supposed death, Yaakov refused to believe their claim that Yosef was alive.   WAGS 199


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