146 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Mikeitz (Genesis 41:1-44:17), Source Book Keys, GATES GENESIS | 43:16 prepare — GEN1540 Concerning the subject of lashon hara<... GEN1540 Concerning the subject of lashon hara [evil speech], our Sages, z”l, further mentioned Arachin 15b that if a woman requests from her neighbor a burning coal from [her] hearth, Isaiah 30:14, and she answers “Where are burning coals if not in the house of so-and-so who is always roasting and eating meat?” – this and the like are avak lashon hara [dust of evil speech] [From the context it seems that it is avak lashon hara because it can led to others taking advantage of so-and-so’s wealth. Cf. Chafetz Chaim, Laws of Lashon Hara 2:2, which says that it is not avak lashon hara unless her inflections and gestures imply negativity.] Further, the pasuk says Proverbs 27:14, “One who blesses his friend in a loud voice early [each] morning – it will be regarded [as] a curse to him.” Our Sages Arachin 16a interpreted this pasuk as referring to one who praises another with praise that leads to [financial] loss. For example, a guest goes out to the [main] city square Esther 4:6 and calls out in a loud voice, telling about his good host’s graciousness, how he slaughtered and prepared meat [this verse] for his guest. When the guest’s words are heard, idle men will gather and go to the host’s house. [i.e., where they will take advantage of his wealth and hospitality]. GATES 435 Share Print Source KeyGATESVerse43:16Keyword(s)prepareSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 43:14 mercy — GEN1539 See [[DEUT647]] Deuteronomy 13:18 compass... Previous Article GENESIS | 43:28 father — GEN1541 R. Yehudah said in the name of Rav: “Why ... Next Article