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GENESIS | 38:26 right — GEN1495 If one has [validly] related evil of him,...

GEN1495 If one has [validly] related evil of him, he should not attempt to contradict the man who spoke against him nor hate him for revealing the thing, but he should humble himself before the Blessed Creator, Who revealed but a small part to afflict and chastise him to return to Him.   And if what was said about him is false, here too, he should not shame the speaker or be angry with him. It once happened that evil was spoken of one of the pious men, and when this became known to him, he sent a gift to the speaker, writing him: “You sent me a gift of your merits, and I am reciprocating with this gift that I am sending you.”   For on the Day of Judgment mitzvos are produced on behalf of many people who did not do them, and when they say: “But we did not do these,” they are told: “Those who spoke evil against you had performed these mitzvos, and they were taken from them and given to you.”   The wicked, likewise, are shown transgressions that they did not commit, and when they protest: “But we did not do these,” they are told: “These are the transgressions of those you slandered; they have been taken from them and added to yours.” This is the intent of Psalms 79:12: “And return to our neighbors seven-fold into their bosoms their insult with which they have insulted you, O Hashem.” For all who insult a righteous man it is as if they have insulted the Holy One Blessed be He, as the foes of Israel are referred to as the foes of Hashem in many places [in Scripture]. TZADIK 65


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