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GENESIS | 37:21 save — GEN1458 One who wishes that neither he nor oth...

GEN1458 One who wishes that neither he nor others should give, is wicked.   Pirkei Avot V:16   When we give directly to a needy person, it is well to be discreet and inconspicuous. If the needy one does not meet you or learn your identity, so much the better. But amid a group making contributions or pledges, put modesty aside, for what you do influences others. In fact, herein lies the power and effectiveness of the public appeal: everyone becomes somewhat subject to public scrutiny.  The cause is made explicit; its urgency is explained. And as others respond, you must ponder your heart and your conscience, aware that what you do or fail to do will be significant.  A fascinating passage in the Midrash considers what might have occurred had certain Biblical characters known they wer to be Biblical characters: When Joseph’s brothers plotted to kill him, Scripture says: “Reuben heard, and he saved him from the their hands” by offering (hesitantly) a substitute plan only one degree better: let Joseph be thrown in to a pit rather than be murdered outright. Reuben planned, Scripture indicates, to come back quietly and rescue him. As an early commentary notes, יצלהוו, and he saved him,” is written defectively, a second yod omitted, to hint that this was hardly a way to save Joseph; Reuben meant well but his plan was a shabby subterfuge. [this verse; the early commentary is R’maze R. Joel, quoted from manuscript in Torah Shelemah ad loc. §135, bi’ur.)  And the Midrash notes that “the Torah thus teaches you proper behavior – that when a man does a mitzvah, let him do it with a happy whole heart. For had Reuben known that the Holy, Blessed One would have this written about him, Reuben heard, and he saved him from their hands, he would have carried Joseph on his shoulder back to his father!” SINAI3 165


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