148 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Vayeishev (Genesis 37:1–40:23), Source Book Keys, AMJV GENESIS | 37:4 speak — GEN1450 Rashi comments that although they were wr... GEN1450 Rashi comments that although they were wrong in hating him, at least this hatred was out in the open and they were not hypocritical by keeping hate in their hearts while outwardly feigning friendliness. That would be far worse than openly showing one’s hatred. Like the Talmud, the Midrash Yalkut Shimoni, Leviticus 19,613 also states that only hatred in one’s heart (privately), and not expressed hate, is forbidden by the Torah. Maimonides specifically says that if a person informs someone that he hates him or her, he or she has not violated the prohibition of hatred (although other sins may have been committed). [See also [[GEN1117]], 21:25 reproached AMJV 129]… On the other hand, Nachmanides disagrees with this approach. He makes no distinction between hatred that is kept in one’s heart and hatred that is expressed openly. Nachmanides commentary on Leviticus 19:17-18 129. Share Print Source KeyAMJVVerse37:4Keyword(s)speakSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 37:4 loved — GEN1447 Even on purely prudential grounds, a pare... Previous Article GENESIS | 37:4 speak — GEN1448 Although the mitzvah of “Love your friend... Next Article