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GENESIS | 33:11 plenty — GEN1407 No matter what our review of God, all Jew...

GEN1407 No matter what our review of God, all Jews agree with the ancient Hebrew lyricist: “The earth is Adonai’s and everything in it, the world and its inhabitants. For God founded it upon the waters and established it upon the floods” Psalm 24:1 – 2. And we humans are only God’s tenants. Or, if you prefer financial language, we are God’s fiduciaries, entrusted with God’s assets only if we also accept special mandates and accountabilities. Fiduciaries are expected to manage prudently and exercise good judgment, not for their own best interest, but for those of the owner. Good Jews will manage their wealth, in whatever amount, as God’s agents. That is how riches become a component of positive Jewish piety. Thus we may follow our patriarch Jacob’s lead and say: “God has shown me favor, and I have everything” [this verse] BOROJMV 116


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