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GENESIS | 32:25 wrestled — GEN1392 What could be the problem or issue with J...

GEN1392 What could be the problem or issue with Jews wrestling or Jews boxing [for sport?]   Unlike other sports, in wrestling and especially in boxing, the chances of inflicting damage and bodily harm on the opponent are very high, since essentially that is the goal of the activity in defeating an opponent.  [Deuteronomy 4:9, 4:15 require keeping the body healthy.]   … The Talmud clearly states that causing someone else bodily harm is forbidden, just as causing bodily harm to oneself, is forbidden. Baba Kama 91b.   … Maimonides … rules … the prohibition is only if it is done between two people so angry at each other that they come to blows.   Laws of Personal Injury [Chovel U’Mazik] 5:1.   … The Shulchan Aruch also rules that wrestling and boxing are indeed permitted and that any damage as a result of the match does not make an individual liable for damages.   Choshen Mishpat 421:5.  AMJV 331-2


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