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GENESIS | 32:11 unworthy — GEN1370 (Continued from [[DEUT684]] Deuteronomy 1...

GEN1370 (Continued from [[DEUT684]] Deuteronomy 14:22 tenth DUTIES 309) Analogously, if a person has been singled out by the Creator, May He be exalted, for special favor, he is under an obligation of increased service as an expression of gratitude for this favor.  For this reason the Early Pietists – whenever they were graced with some blessing from among the blessings of the world – would be apprehensive for two reasons: (1) that they not be deficient in fulfilling the service and expressing the gratitude they owed for this good fortune, so that it not turn into misfortune for them as our forefather Yaakov said: “I am diminished from all the kindness” [this verse]; and (2) that this not be the Creator’s reward for their service, at the expense of their reward in the World-to-Come, as explained by the Early Ones on the verse “He repays His enemies to their face [i.e., during their lifetime, so as] to destroy them [in the Hereafter]” Deuteronomy 7:10. This should suffice you.  DUTIES 311


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