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GENESIS | 32:4 sent — GEN1356 [In] Ramban [Nachmanides’] opening commen...

GEN1356 [In] Ramban [Nachmanides’] opening commentary on Parshas VaYishlach [this verse], [] he writes as follows: “This parsha (passage) was written to let it be known that God rescued his servant [Yaakov] by sending an angel to free him from the clutches of his more powerful opponent [Esau]. We also learn that Yaakov did not merely rely on being rescued by virtue of his righteousness, but endeavored with all in his power to save himself.  [This parsha] also offers guidance for future generations, for we will constantly face situations vis-à-vis the descendants of Esau similar to that which our Patriarch faced [in this encounter] with his brother Esau.   We should therefore follow in the footsteps of the tzaddik [Yaakov] by preparing ourselves for our own moments of peril the same way he did: with prayer, gifts, and a means of escape by which to save ourselves in the course of war. EYES 23-4


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